(A beautiful chaos, but chaos nonetheless)
As it turns out, I just didn't have (find?) the time to capture my chaos, but I did take a picture of my amaryllis...remember the plant I was trying not to kill? Well I haven't!! I will not see a bloom this season, but I have leaves. Bright, beautiful, tall and alive leaves. I'm pretty excited :)
I will be making a concerted effort this week to share some more pictures that I have taken recently...yes, some more of the dogs, but some more baby bump pictures, and some of the most precious almost-one-year-old little girl! Also, I've entered into the world of shooting RAW. Not a big deal for the experienced, but a big deal for me! Shooting in RAW allows the camera to capture ALL of the light data, and therefore allows for greater manipulation in processing/editing. Add this to my first complete shoot in manual mode, and I'm feeling pretty good. Well, I'm feeling pretty terrified, and overwhelmed, but excited and motivated...I need more time!
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