Heather Marie

I believe the world is beautiful, even though sometimes the beauty can be hidden...I strive to remind myself of that daily.
I believe we need to take more time to play (working on it...).
I believe we are all just doing the best we can - I don't know all of your story, just like you don't know all of mine, so try not to judge...
I love chocolate, especially if it's in the form of Rocky Road ice cream.
I love bright vivid colors.
I really like calm, soothing colors.
I'm a huge fan of blacks and whites, and sepias.
I can not, for the life of me, decide just what my "style" is yet...in photography or in life!
I'm still working on that "balance" thing...
I love animals, but am particularly fond of dogs - they make me so happy!
I am a very patriotic girl.  I always place my hand over my heart when the National Anthem is played, and you should too.
I believe women CAN do it all, but I sure wish we didn't have to sometimes!  :)
I'm kind of a control freak.
Even if I do take the time to fix my hair, I can almost guarantee it will be in a ponytail by the end of the day.
I prefer neatness and organization, but tend to be quite a mess!
I'm an early-riser and nap-taker (when I can).
I love LOVE music...(not rap...you can't sing to that).
I SO appreciate silence.
I don't mind change, but I may take my time getting used to it...
I edit sitting on a balance ball, however I'm sure my poor posture negates any positive benefit I could be getting from it.  
I really adore hats, and don't get to wear them nearly enough (working on that too...).
I fix a cup of coffee most mornings with a whole bunch of flavored creamer, but rarely drink even half of it.  (Don't ask me what that's all about, all I know is I can't stop...)
I recently became an asparagus addict.  Who knew garlic salt and Parmesan could make that stalk taste so good?!
I love the outdoors!  Get outside, People!
I sleep 8 hours a night.  At least.  Any less, and you don't want to be around me.

I'm just getting started as an "official" photographer, but I've been taking pictures my whole life.  I had no idea how vast the photography community was out there, and it's been fun, crazy and scary trying to get more involved.  I have so much more to learn, and so little time (I have a "real" job M-F)!  I can't wait until I can say photography is my real job :).  

I believe in a Heavenly Father who loves us, and I hope to show His beautiful work in my work.


  1. And you are Beautiful ... inside and out!

  2. Love the ponytail line -- that's me too! By 2 o'clock, it's up.

  3. This is too cute. I am excited about our family shots in a few weeks. All of your work is so beautiful!!!!


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