Are you wondering about my "focus on the positive" yet??
It was when I got stuck behind the semi that I tried to force myself to calm down and take a deep breath. I do honestly believe that all things happen for a reason, so I repeated that outloud a few times, and then turned on the radio. I switched it to WAY FM, a contemporary Christian radio station. The band Red greated me with their song "Not Alone." And at that point I smiled. It's a song that has - no joke - been on each time I've had to drive She-Ra to/from the vet. And here it was again. A few minutes later the local vet called to let me know that they had a sister clinic that was open until 7PM, and that our local DVM happened to be there that night. I'm not making this stuff up, folks.
So there's my FOTP point for this entry: I am not alone. You are not alone.
For some people, this is a cop-out that Christians use when people are going through a rough time..."God is with you" sometimes just doesn't mean anything to a person in the midst of hurt. I can only say that yesterday, it brought me back to a place where I was ok. Where I was reminded that I am not, in fact, alone. I have friends and family who have been supporting us along the way (a friend kept my other two dogs while I took She-Ra to the vet, so they didn't have to spend 18 hours alone), and I have a God who notices me sitting in traffic stressing about a dog.... beautiful dog, if I do say so myself :)
"I am with you. I will carry you through it all...I won't leave you, I will catch you. When you feel like letting go, you are not, you're not alone..."
~ God, via Red